Part 176: J Base NPC Chatter 1
Welcome back!
We've got quite a few Garlyle grunts to chat with this time, so let's get to it.

: but to keep a certain person from escaping. Very odd, but I believe they are what's right.

: a soldier to die? No! Their lives were wasted! Wasted for the sake of Baal's boundless ambition! That is why the Colonel, his own son, has struck him down. To prevent more senseless slaughter! This was NOT treason! Baal had long lost the right to be called "General".
I do like this mutiny arc here. Baal got his troops on board with Operation Yggdrassil by making them think it was for the good of all mankind, but once he shows his true colors they wise up and stop following him. It reminds us that yes, these soldiers are just people doing their jobs, not evil mooks who only want to get in our way.

: done your share of mischief too! But that's all behind us now. Stay out of the way, though. This mutiny will mean a whole new army for us all. Led by Colonel Mullen. I don't know why you came, but you'd better keep out of the way! The new Forces have work to do!

: Hi there! Ha, ha. What.... Now you don't think I would take advantage of the confusion to sell stuff on the black market, do you? Hey I would NEVER do that. NEVER. There's a LOT of stuff here. What will it be used for, anyway?

: Not the best of choices, but that General left us with few. We trusted him with out lives, and he treated us like cattle. We have to succeed for the sake of our comrades who died in the shrine and the sake of the Force's future. So it's mutiny.... I don't favor rebellion but we seem to have few choices.

: After that we can only pray that the Colonel will be successful. But we're talking about General Baal! Who knows what can happen. If all has gone well, it's about time for Colonel Mullen to return.

: These here kites will secure the mutiny for us, because most of the kites under General Baal's control went down with the Grandeur. There are 30 more stuck in storage.

: Room don't hurry up and release the controls on the base, this equipment will be worthless! Let's see. First this... then open this hatch... then... in case of emergency, make this passageway available. There. Well, I guess this is about all I can do for now.

: for kite maintenance. That way, even if some take Baal's side they still won't be able to use the kites to escape J Base. If he can't escape, then the General will have to give up. We have complete control of all the kites. With air power, the mutiny is sure to succeed.
Yeah, those "Kites"? They're more like fighter jets.
There's no text in the Officer's Quarters, but each room has a few pictures of what looks like Baal cosplaying as Dracula.
To the Command Center!

: the directors of the Foundation, and Colonel Mullen will be made head of the Forces.

: without any argument. And there really wasn't any struggle so the Control Room fell quickly. General Baal was our leader. I think he'll let go of power and step down like a man. I hope the General won't persist in his un-soldier-like conduct. Why are our orders so late?
Another thing I like is that even among the soldiers loyal to Mullen, there's a wide variety of opinions about Baal and the mutiny in general.

: General Baal was abusing his authority so he's sure to be executed. But I feel, the Colonel is so cold to do this to his own father.

: The Colonel has ordered us to wait here, but I wish I could have taken care of the General myself! He talked of world peace! That scoundrel sullied the honor of Garlyle for his own selfish ends! I wish our next orders would get issued. What is the Colonel doing, anyway? Has he beaten Baal?

: What am I saying!? The Colonel would never slip up. I'm worrying too much. Even though it IS against his own father, the Colonel always follows through. I just hate this waiting! The orders are to "stay out". I just hate this waiting.

: He'll get the job done. The Colonel's mutiny will succeed for sure.
Whatever it represents, that's one hell of a place to stand and give a speech.
Let's head up to the control room.
With a slight stop along the way in the Steam Cannon Machinery room. Because every JRPG made in the 90's had to have some sort of giant cannon.

: Sure is dark in here. Can't see too good.

: Yeah, we're tryin' to save on power. I don't need no light, anyway. I know every inch of this room. Oh right. Don't go past that door, OK? It's dangerous up on the roof. The name's Bruss, Gunnery Sergeant. They hired me for my mechanical skill. But I doubt I'll ever see any action.

: But it really couldn't be helped. He was responsible for the deaths of so many soldiers.
This is the only soldier on the whole base who realizes that having a bunch of civilian kids running around is probably not the smartest idea.

: As far as us non-coms are concerned, the Colonel has our trust. THAT's what WE obey.
It's hard to get a good look at the various monitors, but at least the Gaia Egg there is recognizable.
Finally, let's head back to the TACOM Center for some more words with the wounded guy.

: The statue of the Icarian... find the Colonel... help him...!
Oddly enough, none of the others react to this.
Oh well. See you next time!